by stratoscreative | Aug 9, 2023 | Tips & Trends
Even though summer is wrapping up, there are still parties to plan for the rest of the year. It’s also a great time to start thinking about next year’s events! If that feels overwhelming to think about, we got you covered.Here are some ideas to bring some LIFE and...
by stratoscreative | Jul 19, 2023 | Tips & Trends
We talk a lot about how to throw a great party, but what about ideas for being a great GUEST when you attend a party? Because chances are, you are probably a guest more often than you are a host. Here are some ideas to take some stress off the host and go above and...
by stratoscreative | Jul 12, 2023 | Tips & Trends
We all know there is ONE thing that can really make or break any party or event. Music. When it comes to choosing music that greatly affects the vibe of the event, where do you begin? Here are some tips we’d like to share: Choose the music...
by stratoscreative | Jun 28, 2023 | Corporate Events, Tips & Trends
Office parties can often get a bad rap. The same ice-breakers, the same small talk, the same catered food. That’s why we wanted to share some tips and favorite activities you can bring to spice up your next office party! Have office get-togethers more often: We have...
by stratoscreative | Jun 21, 2023 | Family Gatherings, Tips & Trends
Summer is a time to be social and spend extra time with friends and family. If you are having a family gathering this summer, but need some ideas for activities, here are some for you! Family Talent Show: This is a chance for every family member, from toddler to...
by stratoscreative | Jun 14, 2023 | Birthdays, Party Themes, Tips & Trends
If you’ve ever been stuck trying to think of fun, unique birthday party ideas, we’ve got you covered! Whether you’re planning a sweet 16, a sweet 60, or anything in between, we want to share a variety of ideas with ya. Around the World If the hero of the hour loves...