by stratoscreative | Dec 27, 2023 | Party Themes, Tips & Trends, Uncategorized
If you’re like us and love parties but also love being at home (and maybe have kiddos who do not stay up until midnight), then you’ll love these tips for having an at-home New Year’s Eve party this year: Keep decor fun and simple: We love these DIY clock balloons!...
by stratoscreative | Oct 25, 2023 | Party Themes, Tips & Trends
Halloween is just around the corner, and it’s not too late to throw together a little spooky party with your family, friends, or a few neighbors. Here are some ideas: Mad Scientist Party: This is great for tweens, teens, and heck, adults, too! You can do simple...
by stratoscreative | Aug 30, 2023 | Birthdays, Corporate Events, Family Gatherings, Party Themes, Tips & Trends, Weddings
If you’re like us and love parties and pictures, consider a DIY photo booth at your next event. While we obviously love the ease and uniqueness of having a photo booth that can be booked ahead and come to you, here are 3 ideas to get you started on a DIY photo booth...
by stratoscreative | Jun 14, 2023 | Birthdays, Party Themes, Tips & Trends
If you’ve ever been stuck trying to think of fun, unique birthday party ideas, we’ve got you covered! Whether you’re planning a sweet 16, a sweet 60, or anything in between, we want to share a variety of ideas with ya. Around the World If the hero of the hour loves...
by stratoscreative | May 10, 2023 | Party Themes, Tips & Trends
If you didn’t already know – we LOVE parties. We love planning, hosting, or just being at parties. Parties bring people together, and that’s what it’s all about for us. We’re guessing you love parties, too. But what can get in the way of loving parties is...