Invitation Options

Invitation Options

When hosting a party, invitations are a great way to set the tone of your event for your guests. What will the vibe of the party be? Will it be casual or formal? What is expected of them as a guest? All of these questions can be answered with an invitation! Here are a...
Party on a Budget

Party on a Budget

It’s no secret that we love a good party, and it’s also no secret that parties can get expensive quickly. Here are a few tips to stick to a budget and not break the bank for your next event: 1. Shop your own house for decorations: Before running to the store for...
Fall Activities in the SLC Area

Fall Activities in the SLC Area

Looking for some fun fall activities this fall? There are SO many to choose from in the SLC area, but here are just a few: Drive or hike in the fall colors: Logan Canyon, Big Mountain Pass, and Alpine Loop are a few places with BEAUTIFUL colors this fall! Cross E...
An Event Horror Story

An Event Horror Story

You know those event horror stories? Everyone’s got one, and we’re here to share a quick one with you. A friend of ours planned their wedding reception with karaoke (how fun is that?!), but the DJ’s laptop decided to quit on them right as the reception was...
Photography Tips

Photography Tips

Whether you’re just looking to snap better pictures with your phone or you’ve booked Photo Camper for an upcoming event, we’ve got some super-easy tips to share that will instantly boost your photography skills. 1. Let’s start with the cornerstone of...