Happy Holidays! 

We hope you’re enjoying the season. We wanted to send a reminder to always enjoy the moments and take lots of pictures, BUT don’t feel the pressure to make them look perfect.

Here are a couple of tips to try for your holiday photo ops this year:

  1. Use a tripod or prop your phone up: Selfies are great, but there’s a time and place for them. If you’re trying to get everrrryyyone into the picture on Christmas morning, it’s time to break out the tripod and make sure no one’s head is cut off in the picture. 😉
  2. Let everyone be themselves: If you have kids, let them be running around in the picture. If your great-grandpa hates smiling for pictures, just embrace his natural state. You’ll probably look back at candid/natural pictures with love rather than taking extra time to make sure everything looks perfect or just the way you want it to.
  3. Take lots of pictures: I never regret having too many pictures. I always regret not taking enough pictures. Even if it’s not the perfect picture, perfect lighting, perfect everything, you will look back at the memories knowing you captured the real moments.

We hope you’re able to lean into the magical feelings of the season.