Are you in charge of hosting Thanksgiving at the end of the month? Even if you aren’t the one doing all of the planning and preparation, here are a few tips to make the day less stressful and give you more time to enjoy the day:

  1. Delegate tasks and dishes: If people offer to help, take them up on it! You can ask people to not only make certain dishes, but also ask people to bring a centerpiece, drink, or appetizer. If someone doesn’t want to cook, ask them to come early to the party to help set the table.
  2. Don’t experiment with new recipes: It might sound fun, but it’s just not the time. Everyone will be happy with the same stuffing recipe you’ve been making your entire life. Stick with what you know to simplify your to-do list.
  3. Do as much as you can ahead of time: If there’s anything that can be chopped, mixed, or ready in the fridge ahead of time, do it! Planning ahead is your best friend.
  4. Don’t forget to pause and take pictures: Holidays are all about making memories and making time to be with people you love. So even in the midst of the craziness, don’t forget to take little moments to savor the special day.

What other tips would you add? We’d love to hear!